Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Last year, my little girl announced, "Mom, Daddy and I are twins".  Of course my reply was "Why is that?".  She very matter-of-factly answered "We both use our left hands".  She is constantly looking for a connection for her left-handedness.  Late last year after finding out her great-grandma was left-handed, she asked "Mom, did she like vanilla ice cream?".  Not knowing exactly where she was going with that I answered "No, but your Great-Granddad Murray did", which was followed by her response of "what kind of ice cream did Grandma Doris like?" and Mommy's lightbulb went on in her head.  So we called up Aunt Karen and found out it was Butter Brickle, which didn't solve her ice cream problem, but satisfied it for the short term.  Every once in a while it will crop up and I'll explain to her how special she is because of it and who she shares that trait with and she'll smile that sweet smile and look at me with those big eyes and absolutely melt my heart:)

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